05 Jan, 2024

1. Which of the following cities is NOT included in Wetland City Accreditation under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands from India?

2. Consider the following statements about ‘PRERANA Program’:

  1. The Ministry of Education launched the ‘Prerana’ programme.
  2. It is an experiential and inspirational learning program for students with the best-in-class technology where heritage meets innovation.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

3. Recently, Scientists have created the world’s first functional semiconductor made from graphene. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Graphene’:

  1. Graphene is the strongest material so far, because the strong covalent bonds between carbon atoms in the hexagonal lattice make it very difficult to break apart.
  2. It is a bad conductor of heat and electricity.
  3. Graphene is almost completely transparent to light, absorbing only about 2.3% of visible light.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

4. With reference to ‘Supreme Court Legal Services Committee’ consider the following statements:


  1. It was constituted to provide “free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of society”, in cases falling under the top court’s jurisdiction.
  2. Supreme Court judge Justice Sanjiv Khanna has been nominated as the Chairman of the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee (SCLSC).
  3. It consists of a sitting SC judge, who is the chairman, along with other members possessing the experience and qualifications prescribed by the Centre.

How many of the above statements are correct?

5. An inscription written in Kannada and Sanskrit is said to be of 10th century A.D. has been discovered in the Mahadeva temple at Cacoda in southern Goa related to the Kadamba period. Consider the following statements regarding Kadamba Inscription:

  1. The Kadambas of Goa served as subordinates to the Chalukyas.
  2. In 960 A.D., Kadamba Shasthadeva conquered Chandavara and the port of Gopakapattana (present Goa).

Choose the correct code: